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Vanessa Lourenço


Natural de Lisboa, desde cedo os animais e os livros assumiram um papel fundamental na sua vida, o que se refletiu na natureza do seu primeiro livro publicado. Uma pessoa reservada desde sempre, tem na sua companhia os animais que deram corpo e personalidade a alguns dos personagens mais marcantes da trilogia de literatura fantástica que se encontra a escrever. Com formação superior em Psicologia Clínica, dedica-se contudo neste momento sobretudo à escrita e às artes.

Vanessa Lourenço was born in Lisbon, in 1982. Since her early years, animals and books played a huge role in her life, along with the arts. She lives in Portugal with her fiancée and some of the animals that inspired her books. 

She became a writer after the terrible loss of a black cat she loved very much. She started writing to ease the pain and realized shortly after that the black cat she thought she had lost, was very much alive on those pages. She decided then, that her black cat would have his own legacy spread around the world. 

She's currently working on the third book of a fantasy trilogy where cats are the main characters of an inspiring adventure that will change forever the way people face the animals they love.

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